– Keyboard shortcuts: The assignments for Track Mode and Clip Mode were erroneously listed under “Editing Tools” instead of “View Configuration”, as they are now. – Stand-alone and ARA: On very high-resolution screens under macOS Monterey, crashes could occur in Full Screen Mode. – Stand-alone implementation: In Note Assignment Mode, execution of the “Convert Selection to Connected Sequence” function sometimes led to a crash. – Samplitude: In Melodyne 5.3, it sometimes happened that the ARA files of older projects were muted during playback.

– Digital Performer: Under rare circumstances, moving blobs could lead to a crash. – Studio One: When Studio One was launched, a crash sometimes occurred while the Melodyne plug-in was being scanned. – ARA: When you switched back to Edit Mode from Note Assignment Mode, it could happen that the display scrolled all the way to the top instead of returning to the previous vertical position. – ARA: When creating a new project, the DAW under certain circumstances displayed an error message even though the new project was error-free.

– ARA and plug-in: Under certain circumstances, not every note was included in local playback. – Pro Tools with ARA: When repeated use was made of the Undo function in Melodyne, under very special circumstances Pro Tools could crash. The update to Version 5.3.1 contains improvements and bug fixes, which is why we recommend it to all users. And with the unique Fade Tool, you can create note-based fades – even in polyphonic recordings and samples. Thanks to the Chord Track, you can adapt notes with lightning speed to suit the song – chord recognition included. With perfect, natural corrections at the press of a key. Thanks to the fundamentally improved “Melodic” algorithm, Melodyne makes your vocal editing even better than before. New technologies, for better results in less time.

Melodyne Studio v5.3.1 MAC MORiA | | 96 MB PLATFORM: STANDALONE/AU/VST3